Welcome on Biogroup corporate website

We are pleased to welcome you on our corporate Website dedicated to investors.

Biogroup was founded back in 1998 by Stéphane Eimer in Alsace (East of France). Since then, we have been growing significantly both organically and through selective acquisitions. Biogroup is now the undisputed leader on the Medical lab testing market.

The Group has reached in 2020 a new step in its history by expanding abroad, with the acquisition of CMA Medina in Belgium. In 2021, we have further expanded our operations and acquired subsidiaries in Spain with Cerba Internacional and Analyza.

Our European expansion has reinforced our commitment to our core corporate values. We are a Group founded by biologists and managed and led by biologists. We value entrepreneurial spirit and regional footprint and remain the closest possible to our patients. Our biologists are committed to deliver high quality standards for the benefit of both our medical community and our patients.

Our commitment to deliver the best-in-class testing infrastructure during the Covid-19 health crisis has established Biogroup at the heart of the public health system.

We are committed to continuing the development of the group, investing in the innovations of tomorrow to offer the best healthcare service to our patients while maintaining our economic efficiency for the benefit of our investors and associated biologists.


Friday, June 28, 2024

Biogroup will present its Q1 2024 – results
The conference call will take place on Friday, June 28th 2024 at 2:30 pm CET time


— 27 June 2022

Isabelle Eimer to become President of Biogroup

The Biogroup group announces that Dr Isabelle Eimer, MD PhD, president of CAB SELAS, one of the group’s main SELAS, will take over the presidency and management of the Biogroup group. She succeeds Stéphane Eimer, who died suddenly on 22 June 2022.

Isabelle Eimer joined the group in 2005 and over the years has chaired several companies in the group founded and managed by Stéphane Eimer, and has been closely involved in all strategic decisions. With her extensive knowledge of the group, Isabelle Eimer intends to continue the development and activity of the family-owned Biogroup in the entrepreneurial spirit that has always driven the group of talents that Stéphane Eimer brought together.

Biogroup is managed by a solid and experienced team that has accompanied the company for several years. The Group will ensure that the governance evolves so that it can continue its development as the European leader in medical biology.

“Biogroup is a strong company with an ambitious development and an outstanding performance. I wish to preserve our strong entrepreneurial and family culture which has made Biogroup a fast-growing company, established in France and in Europe, and rich in its team of biologists for the greater benefit of patients and health”, declared Isabelle Eimer, President of Biogroup.

Isabelle Eimer prend la présidence de Biogroup

Le groupe Biogroup annonce que Mme Isabelle Eimer, biologiste de formation et présidente de la SELAS CAB, une des principales SELAS du groupe, va assurer la présidence et la direction du groupe Biogroup. Elle succède ainsi à Stéphane Eimer, décédé brutalement le 22 juin 2022.

Entrée dans le groupe en 2005, Isabelle Eimer a présidé, au fil des années, plusieurs sociétés du groupe fondé et dirigé par Stéphane Eimer, et a été étroitement associée à l’ensemble des décisions stratégiques. Forte de sa parfaite connaissance du groupe, Isabelle Eimer entend poursuivre le développement et l’activité du groupe familial Biogroup dans l’esprit entrepreneurial qui a toujours animé le collectif de talents qu’avait réuni Stéphane Eimer.

Biogroup s’appuiera sur une équipe expérimentée et solide qui l’a accompagné depuis plusieurs années et s’assurera de faire évoluer la direction du groupe afin que celle-ci puisse poursuivre son développement comme leader européen de la biologie médicale.

« Biogroup est une société solide qui connaît un développement ambitieux et une performance exceptionnelle. Je souhaite préserver notre culture entrepreneuriale et familiale forte qui fait de Biogroup une entreprise en forte progression, implantée en France comme en Europe et riche de son collectif de biologistes pour le plus grand bénéfice des patients et de la santé », a déclaré Isabelle Eimer, Présidente de Biogroup.